Humanistic Secular Haggadah

The Passover Haggadah sets out the activities of the Seder. As someone deeply appreciative of gatherings, yet not so enamoured by religion, I have attached a Haggadah that offers some new views and opportunities to create memories and growth.

In advance, I am aware that some may be offended by this Haggadah and they are welcome to use something different. I am not attempting to replace or judge the Passover ceremony as it is today, rather just offering an alternative to those seeking one.

When using, I recommend going around the table to allow each attendee to read a paragraph. Don’t be afraid to stop and have conversation about points, make jokes, drink some wine. Most importantly, enjoy the moments you are creating not within a set a rules but rather as a bunch of earthlings assembled in a point of time to share an experience that can be whatever you make it.

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